Hello! My name is Amanda and I am an Illustrator originally from Maryland but currently living in Boston, MA. I have created work for books, magazines, toys, and products. My work is heavily inspired by animation and I love creating expressive characters and scenes. 

In my free time I enjoy doodling in my sketchbook, reading a new book, comic, or maybe graphic novel, and playing pickup soccer.

*As of January 2024 I have been diagnosed with a rare cancer, Neuroblastoma, and am currently in the midst of getting treatment. More information can be found on my GoFundMe page*
 Selected Clients (A-Z) include:

Benchmark Education

Charles Products, Inc.
Collins Big Cat UK
Highlights for Children
Kaeden Publishing

Learning A-Z
Mascot Books

Maverick Publishing
Rourke Educational Media

Scholastic AUS
Scholastic UK
Representation by Astound Illustration Agency.
For all publishing related inquiries please reach out to contact@astound.us
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